This work was a long time in gestation, emerging over a period of over ten years as a sequence of seemingly complete works, each of which quickly re-entered the overall process of development.
The rotating stone images of the work began life as experiences in the field with the stones of Paturau (which feature in many guises in these pages).
The final version of the work uses an 8chn. sound track (here reduced to stereo of course) and a large, carefully calibrated image (done no justice by the little mpeg4 downloaded here).
The work also serves as a requiem for my father who died in 1991. Various other works on this site are interconnected via their concern for this subject.(Shrine).
The rotating stone images of the work began life as experiences in the field with the stones of Paturau (which feature in many guises in these pages).
The final version of the work uses an 8chn. sound track (here reduced to stereo of course) and a large, carefully calibrated image (done no justice by the little mpeg4 downloaded here).
The work also serves as a requiem for my father who died in 1991. Various other works on this site are interconnected via their concern for this subject.(Shrine).
Link to better quality